On Sunday Madison and I went to the Picaso Museum which was really cool. We went back tot he apt and realized we had no more hot water. Maggie one of my roomates really needed to take a shower so I got in the tub she put her head back and with freezing water we quickly washed her head. It was freezing her eyes started to water. I felt bad but it was so funny at the same time. Later that night we went to a place called Mojito Club. We read about it in a guide book. Once we got there everyone was hard core salsa dancing. Like everyone was a professional dancer. I felt like we were in the movie dirty dancing when she walks in and is amazed by the dancing and she stands awkwardly in the corner watching. We stayed for a while and watched but then took a cab to this club called Catwalk. When we got to Catwalk it was a 18E cover charge!!!!!! I was pissed but we just took a cab so we went it. It was really big there were go go dancers which were pretty funny. I got a drink because it was included in the entrance fee. I asked for vodka and oj. They put vodka in a glass half way and gave me a oj bottle .. they didn't even mix it I had to carry two things around with me all night. I ended up finding a great dance partner whom I danced with all night. He was so funny we were doing spins and such. He told me he loved me and I was like.. you don't even know me.. you don't love me..... and he was like NOOOOOo I LOVE YOU. and he was like can i take a picture with you so I took a picture with him and wanted to be facebook friends with me so I gave him a fake name. We stayed at Catwalk to 5am. Because things in Barcelona don't close till 6am!
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